Evening Activity Center
About the EAC: The Educational Activities Center (EAC) has proven to be one of the most popular places on campus for the entire student body and staff. The Center is equipped with a pool table area, cyber café, large screen TV and four video game consoles, including X-Box 360, PS2 and Wii and games.
The EAC offers school-wide tournaments in billiards, video games, foosball and basketball, as well as Jenga and other board game tournaments. Prizes for tournament winners as well as for participants are provided.
Recreation program services are provided during the noon hour, after school and evenings. Workshops offered to High School and Middle School students include cooking and art. The Fighting Braves Boxing Club emerged out of the EACs activities. For more information on Boxing, see our Clubs page.
Approximately 700 students frequent the EAC at least twice daily throughout the year.