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Research Request Process


SFIS Vision: Santa Fe Indian School is a sovereign educational community building upon its rich cultural legacy to be the leader in Native American education.

SFIS Mission: SFIS graduates will understand the issues facing tribes in the Southwest and will be committed to maintaining Native American cultural values. They will participate in the culture of their communities, and will have the skills to pursue the education and careers that will benefit them, their families, and their people. These skills will include:   

·     Creative problem solving, using the analysis of complex problems, the synthesis of collected data, and the communication of clear solutions; 

·     Critical, confident, independent and interdependent, life-long learning;

·     Working productively with all types of people and making good choices.


Research conducted at SFIS must be grounded in our vision and hold promise to further our mission.  SFIS is committed to responsible, ethical, and Indigenous-centered research that will ultimately benefit our tribal communities and the school.  SFIS is committed to responsible stewardship of the interests of our tribal communities and our school, including our students, faculty, administrators and other stakeholders as research participants.


All research conducted at SFIS must be in accordance with all guidelines set forth by SFIS, reviewed by the SFIS Research Review Committee, and approved by the Superintendent.  Any collection of information or plans for presentations (including academic papers* and articles) requires submission of a Research Request Application.  Review of applications can take up to three months depending upon the complexity of the project or time of the school year.  Application must identify data/information collection methods and reporting, including but not limited to:

·       Data: quantitative and/or qualitative

·       Methods: individual and/or group surveys, testing, evaluation, interviews, observations, focus groups

·       Presentations: scholarly articles for publication, articles for national newspapers or magazines, major papers for college courses, theses, dissertations

If Institutional Review Board process is required, approved paperwork must be submitted with the Research Request Application.


Please be aware that SFIS receives many requests for research.  As a school, our primary focus is teaching, learning, and wellness; therefore, any research or processing of requests cannot interrupt that priority. 


*SFIS staff writing papers for a college course do not have to complete this application; however, staff must inform supervisor regarding any use of SFIS information to ensure adherence to these guidelines.  Staff who are using SFIS information in theses and dissertations must complete the Research Request Application.