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Gifted & Talented

Program Overview

Enrollment in the Santa Indian School’s Gifted and Talented Program begins with the submission of formal nomination  documents completed by the student, parent/guardian, teacher, counselor, coach or friend. There are five areas for which a student may be considered:

  • Intelligence – 3.0 GPA; scoring in the top 5 percent of a statistically valid/reliable assessment
  • Academic Aptitude  - 3.0 GPA; scoring in the top 15 percent of a statistically valid/reliable assessment
  • Creativity/Critical Thinking – 2.5 GPA; scoring in the top 5 percent of performance
  • Leadership – 2.0 GPA; portfolio, documentation of appointed positions, or awards 
  • Visual and Performing Arts – 2.0 GPA; supportive documentation, portfolio, awards from juried competitions

Upon receiving the nomination packet, the following will occur:

  • G&T Teacher reviews the student’s academic records
  • An interview with the student to identify his/her interests; explore their talents, and when applicable schedule classes to support their needs
  • Parents/guardians are asked to complete additional forms such as a family biography, a student biography, tribal history, and a request for permission to formally assess the student’s intellectual and academic competencies utilizing the standardized Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scales (GATES) 
  • G&T Teacher interviews the student’s nominator, teachers, and other faculty or staff who are familiar with the student’s work or area of interest
  • Upon completion of the nomination packet, review of records, and evaluation process, the Gifted and Talented SAT team (an administrator, the Gifted and Talented Teacher, grade-level counselor, and a teacher/school or community expert) convenes to determine the possibility that the student is eligible or ineligible
  • A meeting is scheduled with the student and parent/guardian to determine if the student is eligible or ineligible for the Gifted and Talented Program: If ineligible, the team convenes to explain the results and proceed how to support the student best. If eligible,  the meeting is to develop the student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) to specific present levels of performance, goals in support of the areas identified, and how best to support the students’ needs

Gifted and Talented Program for Middle School Students

The Santa Fe Indian School’s Gifted and Talented Program has been received with tremendous excitement and participation by the Middle School students. And the numbers of members are increasing and eagerly supported by students taking the initiative to introduce new candidates to the Gifted and Talented Coordinator along with helping these new aspirants with the nomination process. If you would like to have your child participate in the G&T program, please go to the Nomination page, down load the nomination packet, complete the requested information, and return all to the Middle School Principal or the Gifted and Talented Coordinator. This simply begins the process that will end, ideally, with a specific and carefully identified gifted area that will be supported by the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).